Reviewed by Kenneth Fitzgerald of Ephemeral States!
Friday February 13th 2009, 1:13 am
Filed under: 23:56 issues,news,reading and writing

Ephemeral States

Four Minutes to Midnight issue 10 has just been reviewed by the reknowned design critic Kenneth Fitzgerald as part of his Chronological Survey. Kenneth has recently reviewed books by Stefan Sagmeister and Debbie Millman, and was a regular contributor to the late, great, Emigre magazine, so needless to say, I’m humbled by the company. I’m inspired and honoured by his critique, not (simply) because of the considered praise from someone I highly respect, but moreso by the depth of his analysis and the revelatory insights of his interpretation.

His understanding of what we’re trying to do with the zine is frighteningly accurate, to the point of spotting the genesis of this project in Steve Baker’s article from New Perspectives: Critical Histories of Graphic Design. Even I had forgotten about that! While studying at Post St. Joost in Breda, I found a stack of the three issue Visible Language series in an old locker, devoured the articles, and shortly thereafter began the process that led to FMTM as part of my MA thesis.

In reading Fitzgerald’s review, I’m reaffirmed that what we’re doing is relevant and has the possibility of genuinely connecting on an aesthetic and emotional level. I’m also challenged by his criticism of its stylistic codification and the danger of commodification. There’s much more work to be done.

Thanks Kenneth!

Read The Chronographical Survey #3: Four Minutes to Midnight, Issue 10.

If you’re interested, here’s a list of other reviews we’ve gotten over the years.

Geof Huth reviews Issue 7: When I Start Writing

Geof Huth reviews Issue 8: Better Living through Typography

…and issue 9: When Else Could Anyone Get Anything Done?

Snap Magazine gives us The Lo-Down (starting on page 19)

Montreal weeklies the Hour and the Mirror gave us a little ink to hype our Musicians are Cowards event.

UPDATE (15/06/10): Emma Healey’s article on 2356 and the fugue in the June issue of the Link, Concordia’s independent paper.

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