Expozine wrapup / Issue 9 progress
Friday December 07th 2007, 8:10 pm
Filed under: events,miscellaneous,news

Lickety Split Issue 5 cover (designed by Sherwin Tiga)

Better late than never! The Expozine weekend was great, we sold a bunch of copies of Issue 8 alongside Cat’s Skull keychains and worked hard to pimp the forthcoming issue. We also picked up a ton of zines, books and stuff in general which we’re still slowly working through.

It was very nice to see Amber there peddling her smut (what a beautiful cover!). And after hearing our sob story, she’s kindly offered to help us with our launch. Which is great news, because this girl knows how to throw a party…

It was also really great to be tabling next to Dave at Cumulus Press. He’s just released Extraction, a great comix journalism book on canadian mining. He’ll also soon be releasing Picture This!, an extensive collection of political posters from Quebec featuring a poster and a chapter intro by yours truly!


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