I Met the Walrus
Wednesday July 16th 2008, 4:35 pm
Filed under: inspirations,miscellaneous

This has been everywhere lately, and that’s a good thing! So I’m jumping onto the bandwagon and posting it here for (my own little corner of the web’s) posterity’s sake. Backstory here.

New non-format site
Wednesday July 16th 2008, 3:08 pm
Filed under: inspirations,type and typography

Non Format

very, very nice…

Helvetica Empire
Sunday July 13th 2008, 3:06 pm
Filed under: miscellaneous

Helvetica Empire

I found this brilliant little piece of street art just outside of the Mont-Royal metro station last week. Not only is it incredibly intriguing as an object (a doorway…), but seriously, what are the chances that it would have been found by a typophile such as myself? In the middle of the night. And in a foul, searching mood to boot (the interior inscription by the arrow reads “for the broke(n) hearted”). Small miracles, I guess. Cat simply couldn’t believe it…

Some casual googling led to this gallery, but not much other info. Anyone know about this work? I’d love to know the provenance and backstory.

Back in the day (part one)
Tuesday July 08th 2008, 9:59 pm
Filed under: miscellaneous,reading and writing

or nostalgia for a time when thought was free(er).

This was such a great thread…

Tell me something beautiful…
Saturday June 28th 2008, 4:46 pm
Filed under: call for submissions,news,reading and writing

Submissions for issue ten are all in and we’ve begun the long, but very exciting process of selecting, editing and designing. We’ve received a wide range of amazing submissions from over 40 people for the next issue, and its going to be a challenging task to weave it all together.

In order to do this we need some glue to hold things together, and I’m hoping you (whoever you may be) can help. So, a small request to tell us something beautiful. It could be a few words, a line a paragraph, a simple testimonial of an experience, person, object, etc. that you found beautiful. We’re not looking for anything overwrought, philosophical or “poetic”, just an honest description.

You can leave your response(s) in the comments below or send it to me by email. Looking forward to hearing from you…

PS. The fugue is still going too… sort of.

Memefest 2008
Monday June 23rd 2008, 10:01 pm
Filed under: events,news

Welcome Mat

Once again this year I was honoured to be selected by my good friend Oliver Vodeb to act as a jury member for Memefest, the international festival of radical communication. For the last seven years, Memefest has challenged students, professionals, artists and activists around the globe to create and present work that counters the dominant (read capitalist) communications environment, both in theory and practice.

This year’s theme was radical beauty (from which we drew our inspiration for issue ten) and it certainly proved to be quite a challenge. A lot of work didn’t manage to quite stick to the brief, and I found that many particpants failed to contextualise their work, but nonetheless some exceptional pieces emerged. A nice development saw a growing number of participants from the UAE, which certainly proved to be an interesting challenge for me as a juror, being rather naive to that particular communications context. A selection of works from this year’s festival will also be included in issue 10!

The results of the festival are in, so please go check it out and be sure to browse through the archive of past years as well. You’ll find a ton of inspirational, radical work.

Marginality as site of resistance
Sunday June 15th 2008, 10:11 pm
Filed under: miscellaneous,reading and writing

I was not speaking of marginality one wishes to lose, to give up, or surrender
as part of moving into the center
but rather as a site
one stays in, clings to even,
because it nourishes one’s capacity to resist.
It offers the possibilities of radical perspectives
from which to see and create,
to imagine alternatives,
new worlds.

bell hooks

Dali on TV
Friday June 13th 2008, 12:58 pm
Filed under: miscellaneous

Watching this is making me smile uncontrollably.

Link via today’s Very Short List.

Read at Work
Monday June 09th 2008, 3:20 pm
Filed under: miscellaneous,type and typography

E=Emily Dickinson, I Bring an Unaccustomed Wine
Emily_Dickinson_I Bring_An_Unaccustomed_Wine.ppt

www.readatwork.com | A pretty damn silly/funny campaign site for the New Zealand Book Council that (unintentionally) raises some interesting questions on literature and visual form. More parody than paradox, yet also uncomfortably close to the sacrilegious…

link via SpeakUp.

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