Dialogue & Dissonance: presented at PKN MTL 16
Tuesday March 30th 2010, 10:02 pm
Filed under: events,portfolio,reading and writing,type and typography

The following is a rough transcript of the presentation (in franglais) I gave last week at Pecha Kucha Night MTL. For those that are unfamiliar with the event’s format, presenters are asked to present 20 slides, commenting on each for 20 seconds, resulting in a fast-paced 6m40s presentation. More details about the event here.

01. This is my desk. The organisers asked me to focus on presenting process work tonight, and I think it’s equally important to always look at context, so here’s my desk, my after-hours working environment, and over the next few slides, I’ll explain a bit about who I am to further contextualise what I’m going to be presenting.

image by Post Typography

02. Je suis un designer graphique avec des tendances anarchiste. Ça veut dire quoi avoir des tendances anarchistes? Pour moi ça veut dire que je crois fortement dans la collectivité non-hierarchique, je m’alinge avec des luttes minoritaires, et que je suis un romantique sans espoir. Par contre je ne suis pas un member du AIGA, mais je trouvai l’illustration assez drole.


Pecha Kucha Night Montreal #16
Monday March 22nd 2010, 12:47 pm
Filed under: events,news

PKN identity designed by studio feed

I’ll be giving a presentation about Four Minutes to Midnight and its relationship to language/morality at Wednesday night’s Pecha Kucha event. 20 slides, 20 seconds each! Hope to see you there.

Four Minutes to Midnight on Issuu
Sunday March 14th 2010, 7:12 pm
Filed under: 23:56 issues,news,portfolio

All ten published issues of Four Minutes to Midnight are now available to browse on the Issuu website. Check it out and let us know what you think.

Fugue 11
Friday March 12th 2010, 1:50 am
Filed under: call for submissions,news,reading and writing

The eleventh issue of Four Minutes to Midnight will represent a dramatic change in format, an hors-série as it were, featuring the work of American poet F.A. Nettelbeck and Montréal visual artist Sophie Jodoin. I’m very excited and honoured to be working with such talented artists on this issue, and am happy to say we actually have a real editor/production manager on board this time around too. It’s going to be beautiful…

The issue itself will be split into two booklets. The main booklet will feature F.A. and Sophie in all their glory, and the other booklet will consist of the Fugue (XI) that we’re starting here. For those that are unfamiliar, the typographic fugue is a collaboratively written “poem” loosely inspired by the exquisite corpse surrealist technique. It’s our goal to use this approach to find/create a resonant/dissonant collective voice, marked in time, and through type.

So, to start it off:

“a stranger’s borrowed words…”

International Women’s Day
Tuesday March 09th 2010, 1:52 am
Filed under: inspirations,news,reading and writing

In honour of International Women’s Day yesterday, I wanted to write a post on a few of the women designers that have impacted my practice. I remember during my final year of undergrad (in 2000) being asked by my professor to name some female designers that we admired and, very ashamedly, drawing an almost complete blank (not that I was that aware of design culture or history in general at the time).

I asked my portfolio class this same question last night and was happy to see them fare better than me, but not by very much… So as always, there’s work to be done, and I’ll start with a (very) select list of women who’s works have directly guided my own.


The end of February
Wednesday March 03rd 2010, 10:42 pm
Filed under: inspirations,miscellaneous,photography,type and typography

A few days late, but I thought it would be a nice idea to mark the end of what ironically always feels like the longest (and darkest) month here in Montreal with a long and chunky post filled with inspirational images selected from all my various feeds. Hope you enjoy the collection, and if there’s a modicum of interest, maybe I’ll make this into a regular feature.


500 Artists against Israeli Apartheid
Monday March 01st 2010, 11:15 pm
Filed under: news

Though it might at times seem like a difficult position to take, I’m very proud to be a signatory of this declaration. The support and successes of the call from Palestinian civil society for a Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement are growing, and it is time now to not mince our words and actions, regardless of what Ontario MPs might think. In solidarity…

Thinking for a living
Tuesday February 23rd 2010, 11:37 am
Filed under: inspirations,type and typography

The latest redesign of the design content site Thinking for a Living is turning web paradigms onto their side. With mobile standards in mind, an intuitive and simplified navigation, alongside a very refined approach to web typography, I have a feeling that this site could really change how we design for the web. Built with XHTML/CSS and jQuery, the site is delivered through WordPress but feels nothing like it…

It’s a site I’ve often visited for their quality content and design coverage, which is generally more in-depth and better written than most design “blogs” out there (yours truly included). Now it’s even easier on the eyes and provides a really fluid reading experience. Way to go guys. Hopefully this thoughtful, holistic, and detail-oriented approach to design serving content catches on.

Read about the redesign in the first issue here.

Nuit Blanche au Cagibi
Saturday February 20th 2010, 4:08 pm
Filed under: events,news,portfolio

Hello, hello!

We’re very pleased to announce that Four Minutes to Midnight will be part of next weekend’s Nuit Blanche festivities in Montréal. As part of a jam packed night/morning curated by Yan Basque at le Cagibi, I’ll be co-performing issue ten’s fugue with Hillary Rexe (more on this sassy/classy lady and her recent contributions to 2356 later) backed by John Stuart and Vincent Tinguely (aka Fingerdog) on guitarzzz, with inky projections by Hoda Adra.

We’ll be performing at 1:45 AM with an encore performance at 3:35 AM. But the whole night/morning promises to be entertaining and enlightening, with a slew of local and international talent, so please come by, grab a drink or two, and share with us a while.

Link to the facebook event page >>

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